What’s Going On In There?

Part 1: Drop Off

Drop off at preschool is vastly different this year. Parents leave their children at the door, no visiting, no volunteering and pick up at the same door. It may leave some of you wondering, “How is my kid handling this? Who’s helping them unpack their bags? What are they doing in there?” Over the next few posts I’ll try and help clear up some of these things and hopefully shed some light on what your child is experiencing.

Drop off first. We do so miss seeing families at drop off; getting to know you and siblings and grandparents and friends and babysitters; hearing details about the students that may help us understand them better; and generally checking in with you on a daily basis. BUT…

…your kids are getting some valuable, one on one attention from teachers as they arrive. We welcome them with a great big smile and “Good morning (name)! How are you today?” We are sitting with them at the cubbies and teaching them (if they aren’t able on their own) how to open their backpacks, take out their snacks and/or lunch, hand us any papers that you sent in, find their cubbies to organize those items, and then locate their corresponding letter on their hook in the room to hang their backpack and their jackets/sweatshirts. Language development, taking turns, fine motor skills, visual discrimination, letter recognition (Mrs. Karolides put pictures of your children in their cubbies to facilitate locating the right cubby), organization, gross motor skills and more are being practiced from the minute your child enters school and they are becoming way more independent. YAY!