Perfecting the Pencil Grip in the Preschool Classroom

In order for the young child to write and form letters and numbers easily it is essential that they have an effective pencil grip. We do a lot in the preschool classroom practicing and working on this skill so that once children enter kindergarten they will be ready for more “rigorous” handwriting experiences. You may be surprised to know that core strength and stability, shoulder strength and stability, hand and finger strength, good muscle tone, and being able to isolate fingers, separate the two sides of the hand and coordinate movements all contribute to good pencil grip.

At Stepping Stones:

We do NOT hold pencils more

We do NOT work exclusively on worksheets

We do NOT sit at desks all day to practice writing

We DO:

  • ask children to sit criss cross applesauce during circle time for core strength practice
  • paint and color on an easel and create large murals for shoulder strength practice
  • write and draw on tables with shaving cream, utilizing the whole arm and shoulder to create artistry
  • use tongs and tweezers for many fun activities from feeding little bunnies, to building with blocks
  • play with manipulatives and games with small parts that students need to use a tripod grasp in order to play. Operation, Hi Ho Cheerio, buttons, beads, stones, to name a few
  • utilize eye droppers to move water and make solutions, for artwork and water play
  • paint with sponges, squishy rings, marshmallows, vegetables, and more
  • use stamps and stamp pads
  • create and play with playdough, squeezing into shapes and pressing with cookie cutters, buttons, pipe cleaners, and other manipulatives
  • make slime and other concoctions to manipulate fingers and parts of hands in different ways
  • experiment with the light table which encourages fine motor play
  • play instruments that require the right hold and strength to get a good sound out of
  • have lacing toys that require the small and large movements of pushing and pulling laces through holes
  • use scissors and hole punchers regularly
  • play with water, pouring and using funnels and sifters, ladles, and cups to encourage strength and stability
  • use arts and crafts as a way to practice all of the skills necessary for good pencil grip
  • and much, much more!